A friend had an interesting thought at dinner last night… What if it isn’t Donny Dictator who’s the Manchurian Candidate.?

What if it’s… Roberts.

Remember, he has reason for grudge against Biden who pulled a Garland on his Apellate appointment (read his Wikipedia entry and you’ll find it)

While the pundits are out here flapping their yams about replacing Biden (he wont step aside so all the talk is a waste of time), the other side is happily backing their twice impeached adjudicated rapist felon while watching the Democratic Party rhetorically eat their own tail.

Playing this out, if Biden were to have a special forces team take out Donny Dictator as an official act considering the threat to our Republic he poses, he’d be immune from any prosecution that might result.

I’d be very tempted to F around and find out if I were him.

A reminder that a wealth of data from political scientists will tell you… 1) There are no “undecideds” or “independents” in significant enough numbers to matter. 2) Debates have next to no effect on people’s vote. 3) This is a pie eating contest. Pick your side, eat the pie.

Hey there, can someone please shoot me an email when we’ve stopped talking about the debate? kthxbai

Finished reading: Pew by Catherine Lacey 📚

Finished reading: Pew by Catherine Lacey - Perhaps this would have made a better short story than a whole book. This book was trying so hard to be interesting that it forgot to be clever. What the author missed was that if one is clever, they get the interesting for free. At about 60% through I decided to declare bankruptcy and just jump ahead to the last chapter which went exactly where I assumed it would (i.

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Sigh, I should probably get around to upgrading to Sonoma (currently on Monterey).

OK, the Hermes 3000 “Magic Margin” feature just totally blew my mind. I don’t remember seeing another analog tool doing something so close to the spirit of the word “magic”.

Finished reading: Julia by Sandra Newman

Finished reading: Julia by Sandra Newman — This book was incredible. As a fan of George Orwell’s 1984 I was a little concerned this would be a let down, but it turned out triumphant. This is the 1984 story as told by Julia, the lover of Winston Smith. The author does not simply tell the same story from her perspective but, instead, gives her a fully realized life the male dominated world in which Orwell (and thus, his writing) lived never did.

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I banged this out quickly and there’s likely edits I’ll make later but the basic message is there…

Eat your pie. I doesn’t matter if you don’t like it. It’s a contest .Eat it anyway.
