Is this when I admit I don’t understand the shock and awe over the Publisher’s decisions at LA Times and WaPo to not endorse? My understanding is that such endorsements have historically been at their discretion and, well, they are hedging their bet in the face of a potential vengeful dictator, so…

Still true.

As you know, polls are propaganda.

Once you accept this, you can get better at reading their intent.

When a right leaning outlet commisions and releases a poll that shows the left leading across the board, it is to motivate the right to get out and vote to prove the poll wrong. It is a dog whistle.

COVID and Flu shots done! 💉 ✅


And so it begins…

  • New radiator.
  • New AC condenser.
  • New AC compressor.
  • New cam plugs.
  • New engine mount.
  • New oil trap.
  • Oil change.
  • New battery.

Hopefully, that’ll take care of things for a while.

If you read no other post in my ongoing thread on clothes, read this one.

I’ll be updating to iOS 18 on what has long been my personal schedule: Sometime after the time they officially anounce iOS 19. So, like… Next WWDC or something.

Sketchnote of my Winter Outfits

Per my latest post at Rhoneisms, a sketchnote of my winter uniforms for a couple of seasons.