Being a good partner and father means helping the preparations for seeing the Eras film tomorrow night.

Also, drove out to a theater early today to make sure they didn’t miss out on the special merch before it was all gone.

I’ve written several things for you this week. Hopefully, you’ve seen them.

I’ll have more for you next week.

The great thing about having a teen in these times is that they pretty much stay in their room with the door closed anyway so when they get sick self-quarantining is one last thing you have to worry about.

A new message for you: You can stop looking for the answer, it’s been there all along just waiting for you to find it.

You may need the weekend to think through what I posted for you this morning.

This morning, a reminder for you: Wherever you go, there you are.

I'm betting what I wrote for you might be the most difficult one to accept. But, once you do and learn to practice it, it is also the most power and control one can gain in their life. This one saves my life daily.

A reminder for those who are enjoying the current schadenfreude of the MAGA house chaos…

In their mind, a broken and dysfunctional democracy is as good as no democracy.

If you can’t have a successful insurrection, make sure government can’t function.

This is what they wan’t. And they are getting it.

Even what I wrote for you this morning is connected.

Today I wrote for you about how you can be the start of us.