Gotta keep it a bit quiet until I’ve signed the oath but… I’ve been officially appointed by Governor Walz to Minnesota State Advisory Council on Mental Health.
Gotta keep it a bit quiet until I’ve signed the oath but… I’ve been officially appointed by Governor Walz to Minnesota State Advisory Council on Mental Health.
Heavily considering a reading plan of reading nothing but books on climate change for a while. Feel… Under-informed.
I’ve read a few already (see list) but welcome more suggestions.
Death is the only promise life makes to us.
I’m up at the cabin and have yet to start a new book which means I get to catch up on a lot of my Instagram reading which means I’ll be posting a lot of links to old, usually long form, things I think are worth sharing.
Finished reading: Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann - An incredible piece of investigative journalism. So much important history revealed that I previously knew little about. Excited to see the movie now. 📚
Not gonna lie, I’m far more likely to wear and use that Humane digital assistant thing if it ever comes out of vaporware than I am a Vision Pro.
Give me less, more invisible, technology. Not more. #WWDC2023
I generally use the announcement of the next iteration of Mac OS as the time I finally upgrade to the current one.
Still running Monterey. But I have a couple of clients having enough issues with Ventura that I think I’ll hold off for a while longer.
Been trying to come up with a template for an email I can send out to folks that basically says, “Sorry I’m a poor friend and have not replied to your requests for a get-together or talk-soon but when I get overwhelmed in life I find those the most difficult to do though they are likely what would help the most and it’s something I would like to be better at and work on but my brain often makes that hard, nay seemingly insurmountable, and enters me into a terrible negative feedback loop just thinking about it so I just put my nose to the grindstone of life’s other things and avoid it but do know that the desire is there, right next to the guilt, and I hope to correct this soon.”
A fairly busy day means I won’t be able to engage in at all today. Kinda sad about that. Looking forward to seeing the recordings.