The problem of learning the turn of your favorite authors personal lives is that it becomes impossible to read their work without reading into their work.

Might as well take the ones I have yet to get to and throw them in the bin knowing I likely wont be able to read them now.


Few things irritate me more that someone’s inability to see and admit their own plainly visible hypocrisy.

Big fan of my daughter’s school’s mission statement.

Note to self: Drinking a cocktail with 3 1/2 shots of liquor and eating a bunch of cookies before bed is not a good idea unless you really intend to be up at 2:30am, dehydrated, gassy, and sugar spiking.

Took what should have been a small cheat way too far. Paying the price.

My daughter’s English class this semester is called Literature of Black Joy. Here’s the books for it.

I’ll be adding these to my own reading list when she’s done with them.

A healthy breakfast.


Full disclosure, my wife and I would be considered larger than average shareholders so Apple’s success benefits us beyond mere fandom. I’m sure for many of these business owners it’s a pragmatic best for the business decision and not any show of support.

Despite the truth of it.

Not to defend anyone in particular but I’m pretty sure what’s going on with the 1mil inauguration donations is a shake down scheme. Donny Dictator has privately floated to these guys, “That’s a mighty fine company you have there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.”

After dinner board game.

I won’t spoil who did it.