You know, I’m pretty sure being an ally does not mean what so many seem to think it means. It’s the exact same thing as if we were two sovereign nations.
So many people hear the world “ally” and then do, well, what has become natural and culturally acceptable for them to do… They take over. They pretend the fight is their fight too. They don’t stop to ask what is really needed and think they know the goals and objectives and strategy and they just… Take over. They can’t help it. It’s what generations of domination and oppression have programmed them to do. We, obviously, know the best way to fight your fight and it is to the death, right?
Being an ally = help support battles, jump in if asked, but let those for whom you’re supporting lead it. Listen to them. They will tell you the goals and objectives and strategy. Don’t enter an incursion or battle unless specifically asked and told what to do (unless the doing is obvious but even then expect you might get it wrong and need to be told so). Otherwise, sit back and do what you’re told.
So much online drama could be avoided if we just stopped fighting other peoples fights and, instead, ASK if they need our help and, if so, what specifically would be useful.